Friday, September 4, 2009

I'm back in the saddle again!

After a nice summer of not riding to work (not going to work either, ahh, the teacher's life) I am back in the saddle and on the path again. It was good to see some of my mysterious co-commuters out on the path, and we were able to resume our head-nodding, hand waving recognition without any interruption.

This time of year is just perfect on the morning ride. Light, cool and crisp--a great way to clear the head and open the mind for the day ahead. On a bike note, I added some pink streamers to the handlebars this summer so I am rocking a bling-ier version of pink on the paths.

I LOVE the new sections of path I am riding on, but I am eager for them to finish the South Eugene High section of the bike path as I don't like riding on Amazon Parkway much---too many cars.

I'll see you out there on the non-road.