Sunday, March 8, 2009

The first day of daylight savings

Hello Bike commuters and bike commuter-lovers,
I am launching this blog on the evening before the first ride of DST. UGH!! While I will no doubt enjoy the later evening light with my daughter at the playground, my morning ride just got dark again. I have been riding to work everyday since school started last September (I have had to drive 3 days so far, once because of needing to bring heaps of stuff to school, once because the ice-storm made the bike lanes a death-trap, and once because I had to be at a different school immediately after my school day ended.) Some details about my ride:
--I ride a gray SWOBO single speed with pink fenders and handlebar grips
--I ride to work at 7:15am and home around 4:45pm
--sometimes I have a trailer (empty to work, full of 2.5 year old daughter after work)
--my commute is 7.5 miles to work, 7.5 back home, 12 home if I am on daughter pick-up
--So far this school year I have ridden just over 1500 miles
--I have gone through 4 tubes, and one tire so far.
--I ride with an iPod shuffle, soft enough that I can hear approaching bikes, dogs and cars
--I wear glasses, which fog and bead on rainy days until I wipe them with my glove.
--Of my 7.5 miles, 5 are on paved bike path (amazon and fern ridge)
--I have nearly hit the following so far: an already dead opossum, 2 nutria, many ducks, many can-collectors with large shopping carts full
--I have nearly been hit by: cars, trucks, can-collectors, school busses, city busses and SEHS students getting off the bus and not realizing they are walking on a bike path

Tomorrow will be the first day of the active blog, enjoy. Comments are welcome.

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